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The modern world presents many challenges that our primal minds assess as threats and cause emotions within us that trigger thoughts and behaviours. We can't help it, we are hard wired this way and our many thousands of years of survival as a race on this planet are testament to the success of our psychological evolution.
However, our minds have not yet caught up with the changes that have happened in our society so it's no wonder we struggle at times. Our unconscious minds are powerful and strive to keep us safe, often overpowering our logical conscious minds.
Some people at some times are able to find their own way though challenges, but many people can become stuck.
Those that recognise they're stuck and seek help are more likely to live a better life sooner than those who continue in their struggle.
Cognitive hypnotherapy provides a way of guiding you through emotions that lead to undesirable thoughts and behaviours, especially those you feel are holding you back.
I have outlined a few typical challenges that many people face and may overcome by working with me. This list is far from endless and if you feel you have an issue you need help with, please contact me for a free consultation to determine if it is something I can help you with.
Anxiety is a feeling of unease, like a worry or fear, that can be mild or severe. Everyone feels anxious from time to time and it usually passes once the situation is over. It can make our heart race, we might feel sweaty, shaky or short of breath. Anxiety can also cause changes in our behaviour, such as becoming overly careful or avoiding things that trigger anxiety.
When anxiety becomes a problem, our worries can be out of proportion with relatively harmless situations. It can feel more intense or overwhelming, and interfere with our everyday lives and relationships. If your anxiety is affecting your daily life or causing you distress, you could consider seeking further support.
Contact me if you want to explore how we can work together to relieve your anxiety.
There are moments in life when something happens. We make up a story about the why and the what. We start to live as if our story were true. Because we believe they’re keeping us safe. The truth is, these stories are stopping you from getting the big results you’re looking for. Many limiting beliefs are created in our childhood.
Often, they become part of our identity, and these usually boil down to one of the following:
If you think you have a limiting belief that is holding you back, you probably do. Contact me to explore how we can resolve this and get your life back on track.
A phobia is an overwhelming and debilitating fear of an object, place, situation, feeling or animal. Phobias are more pronounced than fears. They develop when a person has an exaggerated or unrealistic sense of danger about a situation or object. If a phobia becomes very severe, a person may organise their life around avoiding the thing that's causing them anxiety. As well as restricting their day-to-day life, it can also cause a lot of distress.
Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help overcome phobias, contact me today if you would like to explore more.
There are lots of reasons that people gain weight. Losing it again and keeping it off, for some people is one of the hardest things to do.
Often, there is an emotional attachment to food and/or drink, that Cognitive Hypnotherapy can help to address.
Contact me to explore how we can work together to help you.
Addiction is defined as not having control over doing, taking or using something to the point where it could be harmful to you.
Addiction is most commonly associated with gambling, drugs, alcohol, and smoking, but it's possible to be addicted to just about anything, including:
If your life is becoming difficult due to addiction, reach out to me to find out how we can work together to combat it.
Self-confidence is simply a belief in one’s abilities and keeping up a sense of competence. It’s about how we see and value ourselves and our beliefs and opinions of ourselves. Low self-confidence, also known as low self-esteem, can therefore be described as a lack of self-worth and of trust in one’s own abilities and proficiency. Such beliefs can be really difficult to change. In this feature we’re going to look at low self-confidence – the signs, causes and self help options available.
Low self-esteem can stem from a wide variety of different factors – each specific to the individual. It can change suddenly or been around for a long time. It can be overcome though and the best way is to address the specific factors head on. And it’s really important that it is addressed as low self-esteem can impact negatively on life as it can leave the sufferer feeling incompetent, unlovable, and prevent you making the most of life.
The good news is that you can change this, because you have the resources within you. With guidance from Cognitive Hypnotherapist it won't be long before you have a different perspective on things and realise you can do things you possibly never thought you would.
According to one estimate, about 75% of people suffer from fear of public speaking and ten per cent of people are genuinely terrified. The fear of public speaking, often labelled as glossophobia, is the number one phobia in the western world and is more common than the fear of heights or the fear of snakes, which rank two and three respectively.
Symptoms range from knots in the stomach, sweaty palms, dry mouth, shaky legs and tightness in the throat. In extreme cases, sufferers experience nausea, panic attacks and excessive anxiety. People experiencing this will therefore go to great lengths to avoid speaking in public.
Most of these symptoms are due to the increase in adrenaline produced by our bodies because we are experiencing the flight-or-fight reaction. This primitive response still exists in us despite the fact that we no longer have to fight or run away from wild animals. The concerns we have before a speech or presentation – worrying what people will think of us, worrying that we will stumble over the words or forget what to say – are enough to trigger the natural or instinctive reaction to run away.
Once we can learn to control these feelings and conquer the urge to flee the perceived danger, we can begin to enjoy the process of public speaking, with support and coaching from a Cognitive Hypnotherapist.